April 27, 2021

4 Common Shoulder Injuries

In the United states alone, more than 7.5 million visited a doctor or orthopedic surgeon for shoulder injuries or related problems. About 75% of these cases were due to rotator cuff tears and impingements. Shoulder injuries can occur due to a wide variety of causes. Leading causes include certain athletic measures that involve excessive repetitive overhead motion, much as swimming, tennis and pitching. Shoulder problems may also arise due to everyday activities that stretch the arm, such as hanging curtains, washing walls, sweeping overhead shelves.

In this article we will learn about some of the most common shoulder injuries and how to treat them accordingly.


Fractures are very common in a lot of people. Fracture is the breaking of your bone from a weak point, it involves the bone being broken into two. This is a very painful problem. Shoulder fractures happen when the bone breaks from your collar bone and humerus. Fractures can be identified by excessive pains after a whip or fall, in some cases there will be bruising as well. Your arm will sag as well, if the fracture is in your collarbone, because the collarbone is the main support of your shoulder and arm.

Fractures take a lot of time to heal, the doctor will relocate your broken bone and case it in place. Then the healing process begins, mostly taking a couple of months, because the bone must be regenerated from the point of breakage. This means that your arm will be casted for a long time. The pain still progresses even in your cast, so doctors usually prescribe some painkillers for you to take, as well, when the pain becomes unbearable.

Rotator Cuff Injuries

The rotator cuff is one of the most important components of the shoulder joint. It comprises groups of muscles and tendons that provide stability to the joint. They also enable the shoulders to lift the arm and work overhead

If the rotator cuff muscles get injured, complete recovery may be impossible and physiotherapy along with adequate oral analgesics may be needed. If the rotator cuff muscles are severely teared, your orthopedic surgeon may advise you to undergo a shoulder surgery.

Shoulder Impingement

Shoulder impingement occurs when one of the rotator cuff tendons get caught up in between the shoulder bones. This can lead to intense pain and swelling in the region that restricts overhead activities. The most common symptoms of shoulder impingement include weakness of the shoulders, restriction of movement above the head such as reaching for a shelf, a pinching feeling in the shoulder region and joint pain that gets worse after overhead activities and sleep. Usually athletes such as golfers, swimmers, basketball players and softball players are at the highest risk of impingement.

Non-surgical treatment options include bed rest, analgesics, daily stretching exercises and steroid injections. If all else fails, arthroscopic surgery may be advised which comprises making two small incisions near your shoulder area and fixing the tendon through a microscopic view.

Dislocation Of Shoulder

Dislocation happens when your arm is pulled onto an extent that the bone is removed from the shoulder cap, also called as socket. This will leave a physical dent on your body, because obviously, your bone is not in its right place. Pulling your arm doesn’t cause dislocation only, a fall on your shoulder can also lead to you dislocating your shoulder. This is characterized by pain in your shoulder, the physical deformation and weakness in your shoulder. The dislocation also messes up with your nerves, not much, but enough for your fingers and arm to feel weak and sensation-less.

Just like separation, shoulder dislocation can be cured by casting your arm. Firstly, your arm will be relocated in place, either by stretching or maneuvering it. Afterwards, when the bone is in the socket, your arm will be casted. After a couple of weeks, your shoulder will be good as new.


We hope that this blog will help you recognize some of the symptoms that come with shoulder problems and the surgical treatment options to ponder upon. In these cases, you should follow the recommendations your shoulder surgeon McLean. So, even if you just want to take medication for shoulder pain, if they are advising a surgery, you should consider it.

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