April 30, 2023

Nasal Congestion: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Have you ever been in a situation where your nose just feels super stuffy and blocked? Did you ever consider that maybe you might be suffering from nasal congestion? Here is everything you need to know about it and whether you should see an allergy doctor.

Nasal Congestion

Your nose is lined with soft tissue on the inside which has a lot of nerve endings too. Something can trigger the tissue in the nose and it can set off a series of events, where swelling, mucus formation, and wheezing can become the norm. Nasal congestion is the feeling of your nose being constantly blocked and there is also a lot of mucus production. The tissue lining in your nose can be extremely sensitive and the smallest of triggers can lead to a great deal of congestion and blockage. It might not sound serious, but if nasal congestion is left untreated for a long time, then you can, ultimately, develop different allergies and this can lead to sinusitis and other problems related to the nose.

Sometimes, nasal congestion can go away by itself in a couple of days, but if it persists for some time, like a week or so, then it is definitely a problem and you might have an infection and it’s better to consult with a doctor who specializes in ENT problems. A doctor can help you a lot in this regard and you will have your problem fixed in no time. With the right medication and targeted symptom treatment, your nose will feel a lot better and you will be able to breathe freely, without any restrictions.

Nasal congestion can also lead to problems in the throat and it can feel extremely irritated or swollen. You can test it out by checking to swallow. If swallowing is hard for you and it hurts, then the nasal congestion is probably affecting your throat as well and it’s best to consult with a doctor before it’s too late and the discomfort gets too much for you. If the nasal congestion is due to an allergen, your doctor may refer you to an allergy specialist Manassas.

Causes Of Nasal Congestion

Now that you know what nasal congestion is, here are some causes of it.

  • Nasal congestion is typically a symptom of many nose-related problems, like sinusitis and rhinitis. If you get allergies often, then nasal congestion will be normal to experience.
  • Another major trigger of nasal congestion is pollen. Pollen is found in flowers and it is super lightweight, making it easy for it to travel through wind and water. Pollen can irritate your skin a lot and it can lead to stuffiness in the nose and extreme allergies, accompanied by a congested nose.
  • Hay is also another trigger and it is the main cause of allergic rhinitis or hay fever. Hay is just as irritating as pollen and it has the same effects on the nose.
  • Any kind of infection can also lead to nasal congestion. Especially if the congestion is prolonged and it isn’t going away, after a good amount of days have passed, then the trigger is probably an infection that was left untreated.
  • People who are allergic to pets can also have severely congested noses, because of pet hair and dander. Pet hair can trigger an allergic reaction in your body and your immune system is unable to fight it, which is why it’s going to lead to a very stuffy and blocked nose.
  • Hormones can also trigger nasal congestion. Whether you are going through puberty or are pregnant, change or imbalance in hormones can lead to your nose feeling stuffy and breathing can be a huge problem.
  • Some medications can also lead to nasal congestion and this is because some people might be allergic to certain components present in different medicines and even health supplements. So, always check the labels before buying a new medication, to make sure that you’re not allergic.

Symptoms Of Nasal Congestion

Here are some symptoms of nasal congestion you need to look out for:

  • The most obvious symptom of nasal congestion is that your nose will feel stuffy. It’s going to be hard to take normal breaths and you’ll have to put in a lot of effort in trying to breathe.
  • Another symptom that ties in with the first is breathing difficulties. Imagine that your nose is a long chute. If there is an obstruction (inflammation) in the walls of the chute (nose), then breathing will definitely be hard and the path will be obstructed.
  • There will be a lot more mucus buildup and production in your nose. This is because the lining of your nose is super sensitive and it will trigger more production in order to keep the nose wet and away from dryness.
  • You will also feel pressure and inflammation around the nose and cheeks. If you touch the area near your nose, then you will experience that the region is tender, and inflamed and it can also feel hot to the touch. If you try to press on your cheeks too much, then it might hurt too.
  • Your throat can also feel tight and constricted. When you try to swallow, it will hurt a lot.
  • You will also feel a headache or pressure right over your eyes and near your temples. This is basically the mucus being trapped in your nasal passages and it can exert a lot of pressure on the rest of your face.

Treatment For Nasal Congestion

Here are some treatment options for nasal congestion, which will give you a lot of relief.

  • Antihistamines are great to relieve the nose area from any swelling or painful inflammation. It will also soothe the area and give you instant relief.
  • You can try to get your hands on nasal sprays. They will keep the nasal passages moist and mucus will not build up in the dry walls of your nose. Nasal sprays also contain antihistamines and this also helps to target the swelling inside the walls of the nose. It’s best to keep a nasal spray with you at all times, so you can rehydrate your nose every so often.
  • If the mucus buildup is too much, then your doctor might drain it out physically. This happens very rarely, but it is a treatment procedure for when your nose feels too stuffy and nothing seems to be working for you.
  • Nasal decongestants can also be used to get rid of the mucus buildup near the nose walls. Decongestants will soothe the irritated tissue in the nose and give you relief like nothing else. Just keep in mind that you shouldn’t make it a habit to use decongestants on a daily basis, otherwise, your body might grow resistant to it and it might actually make things worse.
  • Steroids can also be used for instant relief, but they are not recommended as they can have harmful after-effects on the body and they can worsen the congestion as time goes on.


There you have it! Now you know everything there is to know about nasal congestion. You can easily figure out whether you have it or not, by judging the symptoms and further confirming it by visiting an allergy clinic Germantown.

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